“Great thoughts speak only to the thoughtful mind, but great actions speak to all mankind.” ~ Theodore Roosevelt
The reason for the decline of so many communities is that there is a scarcity of leadership and too few residents willing to accept social responsibility. Too often there is finger-pointing and excuses instead of stepping up, raising a hand, volunteering, and helping each other in achieving and maintaining a vibrant community.
We are fortunate to live in a community that embraces a social framework that values cooperation with our fellow neighbors and respect for our well-kept surroundings. As residents, we make Packer Park stronger by being involved in the plans and actions that result in such a great place to live. When called to action, we can all participate by cooperating and doing the little things that have such a huge impact on the greater good.
Our ask: We need our fellow neighbors to turn on their outside front and backlights. An abundance of lights makes our community safer while enhancing the overall appearance.
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Donate to The Packer Park Civic Association
All donations are appreciated and help support the PPCA and its many programs.
Donations of $300 or more will feature your business logo on the PPCA Business Directory for one full year.
All donations to the PPCA, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization are 100% tax deductible.